FAQ for New APP Students

We place students in a level based on their TOEFL iBT or AUIS Placement Test score. If you are not satisfied with your score, you are welcome to retake the test. But only a satisfactory TOEFL iBT score or passing the previous APP level can move a student up into a new level.

Foundations of English0 - 49A10 - 29
Level 150 - 59A230 - 42
Level 260 - 69B143 - 58
Level 370 - 79B1+
59 - 68
Concurrent Enrollment (CE)
2 ESL + 3 UG
80 - 89B2+69 - 71
Undergraduate (UG)90 - 99C172

The AUIS Testing Center, on the 3rd floor in building A, is where you can find all information about the iBT TOEFL. They will allow you to sign up for upcoming exams.

Moodle is an internet learning platform that our APP teachers use. Your grades, homework and information a all posted on moodle for you to view anywhere and at all time.

SONIS is the AUIS database that allows you to register for classes, view your schedule, and view your final grades from the semester.

  • Current APP students will be able to register and select their own courses on SONIS. After registration closes on your day, you cannot change your classes. If you decide you do not like your schedule, you will have to wait until next term to pick a new one. Please choose wisely!
  • You need to use a computer or laptop to register on SONIS. Registration will NOT work from a smartphone or iPad. The APP computer labs will be open on registration days if you do not have access to a computer at home.
  • You can only register on the dates assigned to you. Those dates will be emailed to all students.
  • To be eligible for online registration, all tuition and fees must be paid to the AUIS Finance Department prior to enrolling. No exceptions can be made.
  • If you miss all the registration dates, you must visit our office to be manually enrolled in classes. In this case, you will not be allowed to choose/change your schedule, and you may miss your first day of classes.

All exams, homework, quizzes, and essays count in your final grade. You pass your classes by receiving a 70 in both classes in order to pass the level. (See the Policy section for passing requirements.) Studying and doing all assigned work is the best way to pass APP classes.

Students who withdraw after the first week of class will have that level counted as a fail. Therefore, there is no benefit for a student to withdraw after the semester starts. We recommend all students stay until the end of the semester, work as hard as they can, and take their final exams.

Students must pay $0.10 (ten cents) per page to print their papers. They can print in any computer lab on campus. Students can buy credit for their account by going to the bookstore on the ground floor of Building B.

Students can make photocopies in the bookstore on the ground floor of Building B.

Students are required to buy their textbooks or readers for APP courses by the second day of the term. They are available in the bookstore on the ground floor of Building B.

Students need to go to the AUIS Registrar’s office on the ground floor of Building A to have their AUIS IDs changed or replaced.

  • APP students have at least 2 classes per day. English classes last 2 hours and 30 minutes. Students in Levels 3 and 4 also have math class for two hours, two days a week.
  • All levels have classes on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursdays are reserved for testing.

APP students can expect to have an average of two hours of homework per night across all classes. Increased homework load may be a result of procrastination or difficulty comprehending objectives. Students having trouble understanding or completing their work should seek extra help during teacher office hours.

Every student may participate in student organizations at AUIS. If a student is interested in one of the many organizations on campus, they should contact the club's advisor or student representative, or visit the Student Services Coordinator, Mr Sardam Akram and Ms. Rozhan Saman, in A-B1-38 for more information.

Please see Dr. Aso for a parking pass. The cost is $25.

Lockers are assigned by the Director of Student Services. Students must submit a $50 deposit to Finance for the locker. The student must have a receipt for the deposit in order to sign up for a locker. The deposit will be returned when the student returns both the key and the lock, undamaged, to the Director of Student Services.

Actively enrolled AUIS undergraduates and APP students are eligible for student work positions. The Office of Career Services posts regular updates about job openings for students at AUIS. For updates, check your email and the Jobs and Internships Message Board in the cafeteria, or visit the Career Services office in A-B1-37 to learn more about available positions.

We have found that students advance and learn English more when they only speak English. Therefore students are required to speak only English in the classroom- no languages other than English are allowed in the classroom.

All students are allowed to have 8.5 absences in their English classes and 5.5 absences in their math classes. At 9 absences in English or 6 absences in math, students fail the level and then must repeat. Students should talk to their teachers before or after they miss a class, in order to make up the material that they missed. For concurrent classes, students can’t be absent more than 5 times, and absences are calculated according to the total hours per semester for each course. These absences are given specifically for illnesses and unforeseen personal issues. No exceptions will be made to the attendance policy.

Admissions will review all students’ financial contracts before they come to AUIS. Students should meet with admissions before the semester begins if they have questions or problems about their tuition bill. Once the semester starts, students should go see Finance on the ground floor of Building A about their tuition bill if they have more questions or problems.

Students should contact the APP Administrative Manager in B-F2-37 regarding questions about SONIS.

All final grades are reported on SONIS. Students who can log on but cannot see their grades need to speak with Finance. This means that there is a financial hold on the account. Students must pay their bill to remove this hold and receive their grades.