President's Welcome

Dr. Bilal Wahab

AUIS President


AUIS allows me to pay that forward, offering a world-class education to new generations of young minds here.

Dear AUIS Community, It is with immense pleasure and a deep sense of honor that I return to Sulaimani, the province of my birth, as the new President of the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani. AUIS has always held a special place in my heart, and I am thrilled to lead this remarkable university into its next chapter. 

Though young, AUIS has already earned an impeccable reputation not only in Kurdistan but across Iraq, the region, and even as far as the United States. Our inspiring alumni are a testament to this, embodying the spirit of AUIS as they stay engaged, give back, and drive forward our mission of public service for the peoples of Kurdistan and Iraq. 

As an early Fulbright scholar to the United States, I experienced the transformative power of an American education—one that embraces diversity, fosters critical thinking, and encourages professional excellence. AUIS allows me to pay that forward, offering a world-class education to new generations of young minds here. In our ever-evolving world, the need for educated young leaders to drive positive change has never been more crucial. AUIS is poised to be the epicenter of academic excellence, where future leaders come not only to learn but to connect, collaborate, and shape the future. 

As we approach the new academic year, I look forward to welcoming back our dedicated faculty, staff, and students. Despite the challenges ahead, there is no better investment than a quality education, and I am excited to embark on this journey together.

Thank you, and here’s to a successful and inspiring year ahead! 

Warm regards, 

Bilal A. Wahab, PhD  
President, American University of Iraq, Sulaimani


Contact President's Office

Director of Protocol

Ms. Raz Jaff 
Email: [email protected] 
Office: Executive Office, 2nd Floor, Administration Building (A)

Administrative Assistant

Ms. Tania Aram
Email: [email protected]
Office: A-F2, Executive Office