Five Year Plan


In 2007, American University of Iraq, Sulaimani welcomed its inaugural class of ten students. Fifteen years later, 1,400 students pursue undergraduate degrees in 22 undergraduate programs. The University also serves a broader learning community by offering graduate degrees in its Master of Business Administration program, and by offering English language proficiency through its Academic Preparatory Program. The University’s Professional Development Institute serves hundreds of working adults with certificate programs in a diverse array of career-specific fields. University centers conduct research and programs that not only help address practical challenges in Iraq, but generate strategic alternatives for the region. 
Universities everywhere are both agents of continuity and agents of change. Recognition of this paradox is central to the AUIS mission. Student learning at AUIS is based on fact and reason rather than on dictate and rote. Our students learn inside and outside the classroom; our graduates display not only critical thinking skills but leadership, consensus development, team building and personal integrity that are vitally needed in a contentious world. The University seeks to build bridges among students from different communities in the region, who use the understanding of how to reconcile conflicting points of view in their professional and community life. 
Building upon 15 years of growth and achievement, AUIS embarks on the next chapter in its story from a position of strength. To ensure continued excellence and relevance, AUIS conducted a comprehensive planning process overseen by a Strategic Planning Committee comprised of trustees, faculty, staff, students, and alumni. With frequent and substantive input from a broad range of constituencies and stakeholders, this committee has formulated the bold strategic vision described here. While the times are uncertain, the way forward is clear.