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[email protected]
+964 (0)770 461 5555 (Kurdish)
+964 (0)750 704 1344

AUIS Baghdad Office:
Business Avenue, 1st floor
+964 (0)772 773 7388 (Arabic)

STEM Scholarship 2022-2023

Women in STEM Scholarships 2022-2023 This new scholarship offers tuition support to female students from all of Iraq’s 19 governorates who elect to study in any of our Engineering or Information Technology majors. It provides an additional $500 reduction in annual tuition rates for up to 20 students with Baccalaureate scores of 90% and above. The scholarship is only available to new students applying to AUIS for the 2022-2023 admissions cycle.

Baccalaureate ScoreInvoiced Tuition/SemesterInvoiced Tuition/YearSTEM Discount/YearInvoiced STEM Tuition/Year
95% and above$725$1,450($500)$950
90 - 94%$1,175$2,350($500)$1,850

Note: Normal Dorm rates apply APP: $200 off the current term rates of $490 and $790 per term to make them $290 and $590 per term.