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Contact Details

[email protected]
+964 (0)770 461 5555 (Kurdish)
+964 (0)750 704 1344

AUIS Baghdad Office:
Business Avenue, 1st floor
+964 (0)772 773 7388 (Arabic)


Scholarship Allocation
  • Kurdish Students: 10 scholarships available
  • Arab Students: 5 scholarships available (Note: If there are fewer applicants from the Arab or Kurdish community, the remaining scholarships may be allocated in February or adjusted as needed.)
Application Process
  1. Motivational Letter: 
    Requirement: Applicants must submit a motivational letter outlining their reasons for applying and their qualifications for the scholarship. The letter should include the applicant’s name, phone number, email and choice of the major at AUIS. Please send the motivational letter by email to [email protected] or bring in person to the AUIS Admissions Office.
  2. Interview: 
    Procedure: Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed to further assess their suitability for the scholarship.
Eligibility Criteria
  1. Academic Performance: 
    Baccalaureate Score Range: It should be between 55 and 79%.
  2. Financial Need: 
    Requirement: Applicants must demonstrate significant financial need that would otherwise prevent them from attending AUIS.
  3. Relevant Experience: 
    Volunteering/Experience: Previous volunteering experience or involvement in activities related to the field of study is a plus but not mandatory.
  4. Field of Study: 
    Relevance: The scholarship is available to students pursuing degrees in English, MLS, and International Studies. The students must meet the eligibility requirements for choosing their major. If during the course of their studies at AUIS the scholarship recipients decide to change their major, they will need to cover the difference in tuition for the past semesters (this will be dealt on a case by case basis).

Selection Process

  • Review Committee: Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee who will assess academic performance, financial need, relevant experience, and the content of the motivational letter and interview.
  • Decision Notification: Applicants will be notified of their scholarship status as soon as possible after their interview.