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[email protected]
+964 (0)770 461 5555 (Kurdish)
+964 (0)750 704 1344

AUIS Baghdad Office:
Business Avenue, 1st floor
+964 (0)772 773 7388 (Arabic)

Mansour Bank Scholarship

Mansour Bank sponsored a limited number of competitive scholarships to high school students who wanted to study at AUIS in 2013. The scholarship covers expenses for students for a period of five years from 2013 - 18. The selection of candidates and final decision belonged to Mansour Bank and AUIS was not involved in the awarding process.



  • Covers university tuition, boarding and books related expenses
  • The scholarship covers a 5-year period (2013 to 2018) with a one year preparation course


General Terms and Conditions

  • Score above 85% average on the baccalaureate exam
  • Receive baccalaureate in 2012 or 2013
  • Accepted at AUIS
  • Receive one of the following English test scores: 433 on TOEFL PBT - 40 on TOEFL iBT - 5 on IELTS - 433 on TOEFL ITP (can only be taken at AUIS)