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Iraq Middle Market Development Fund Scholarship

The Iraq Middle Market Development Fund (IMMDF) is providing scholarship for students interested in and committed to development, finance, business and entrepreneurship at The American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS). Through this partnership, IMMDF delivered a five-week credit seminar on principles of development finance, free of charge, to AUIS students in spring term. The goal of the seminar was for AUIS students to learn business skills relevant to employers and for IMMDF to increase the level of development finance expertise in the region. Originally intended for two students, the scholarship was later awarded to four students who performed exceptionally well throughout the course for one full semester of study at AUIS.


The recipients of the IMMDF scholarship are:

  • Mirako Fouad Al Jabbiry - Spring 2017
  • Nasser Abd Al Moaid Hmood - Fall 2017
  • Tara Mohammed - Spring 2017
  • Shanyan Hassan Ahmed - Summer 2017


For more information please contact Rachel Gresk, Director of Academic Administration and Accreditation, at [email protected].