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Contact Details

[email protected]
+964 (0)770 461 5555 (Kurdish)
+964 (0)750 704 1344

AUIS Baghdad Office:
Business Avenue, 1st floor
+964 (0)772 773 7388 (Arabic)

IIE Scholarship

In Fall 2016, AUIS was awarded a $4,000 grant by the Institute of International Education (IIE) to support the education of two Syrian students enrolled at the University. The grant covers expenses directly related to the students' tuition, boarding, and book stipend etc.


About IIE:

IIE works to build more peaceful and equitable societies by advancing scholarship, building economies and promoting access to opportunity. As a not-for-profit with 19 offices and affiliates worldwide, IIE collaborates with a range of corporate, government and foundation partners across the globe to design and manage scholarship, study abroad, workforce training and leadership development programs. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Services.