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[email protected]
+964 (0)770 461 5555 (Kurdish)
+964 (0)750 704 1344

AUIS Baghdad Office:
Business Avenue, 1st floor
+964 (0)772 773 7388 (Arabic)

Hapsa Khani Naqib Scholarship

The Hapsa Khani Naqib Scholarship provides two types of financial support: 
Full tuition for 4-years of AUIS undergraduate program for a promising female student with financial need from the areas of Rania, Halabja, Garmian or Sulaimani. Full tuition for a female student with extreme financial need to finish their degree at AUIS. Students should have 2-4 semesters remaining



Four-Year Hapsa Khani Naqib Scholarship:

  • A new female student (just joined AUIS recently)
  • Covers the expenses of the university years in full (four years)
  • The student must be able to prove financial need as determined by the university
  • From Rania, Halabja, Garmian or Sulaimani

Annual Hapsa Khani Naqib Scholarship:

  • Female students only
  • Scholarship covers the expenses of the last 2-4 semesters of university studies.
  • The student's cumulative GPA must be 2.00 or more. Preference will be given to higher GPAs
  • The student must be able to prove financial need as determined by the university


How to Apply

Female applicants will be required to fill in an application form through the Scholarships Office.


Selection Process

The final decision will be made by the Scholarship Committee of the University based on the above-mentioned guidelines, in accordance with the University Scholarship Awarding Procedures, subject to the approval of the University.