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AUIS Youth Engagement Scholarship

The Scholarship recognizes extracurricular achievement in leadership and good citizenship, and funds 75 percent of One AUIS Youth Engagement Scholars' tuition during their study at the University. Assuming the Scholar remains in good academic standing, the scholarship will continue for the full duration of their APP and undergraduate studies. This scholarship helps ensure that engaged and active young members of society have access to a high quality education, regardless of their financial situation or baccalaureate scores.



  • All applicants newly entering AUIS during the current academic year and who otherwise meet all AUIS enrollment requirements, are eligible to apply for the Scholarship.
  • Applicants may demonstrate engagement in any area of citizenship and leadership. Examples include, but are not limited to, volunteer work (e.g. working with hospitals, charity organizations, refugee camps, animal shelters, people with disabilities, environmental groups, etc.); managing or being an active member of a team, club or civic organization; starting a new business; public performances in sports, music, or the arts; and other activities in which the student has demonstrated individual excellence and the ability to work effectively with people outside of the classroom.
  • No baccalaureate score requirement


How to Apply

Students may apply for the scholarship once they have already submitted their application to study at AUIS.
Requirements include filling out an online scholarship form, along with:


  • At least one letter of reference, from a teacher, community leader, professional or other adult with whom they have worked;
  • Any additional material e.g. photos, videos, certificates to complement their application (optional).



Selection Process

The AUIS Scholarship Committee will make the decision by vote, one student will be selected.