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[email protected]
+964 (0)770 461 5555 (Kurdish)
+964 (0)750 704 1344

AUIS Baghdad Office:
Business Avenue, 1st floor
+964 (0)772 773 7388 (Arabic)

AUIS National Scholarship

The AUIS National Scholarship provides 30 full scholarships for students from all of Iraq’s 19 governorates, covering full tuition and dorm fees for those requiring housing through graduation. Students awarded the National Scholarship will receive a certificate naming them AUIS National Scholars. Additionally, each scholar will be specially acknowledged in their home city or town and may be invited to represent AUIS as Student Ambassadors during events in their governorate.
The 30 scholarships will be awarded to students all over Iraq.



  • Scholarship recipients must be Iraqi citizens who graduated from high school during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years
  • Received a score of 90% and above on their baccalaureate exams (or an equivalent score on an international exam). Graduates of vocational high schools are eligible and encouraged to apply.
  • The scholarship is only available to new students applying to AUIS for the 2022-2023 admissions cycle.


How to Apply

  • Applicant may apply for the scholarship once they have already submitted their application to study at AUIS and taken the free AUIS placement exam before the scholarship’s application deadline.
  • A brief statement of no more than two pages, in English, Arabic or Kurdish describing extracurricular or volunteer activities, travel experiences, special academic interests, and/or why they are interested in studying at AUIS
  • At least one letter of reference, from a teacher, community leader, professional or other adult with whom they have worked;
  • Any additional material e.g. photos, videos, certificates to complement their application (optional).


Selection Process

Applicants who complete their applications and meet the scholarship criteria will be grouped by governorate. The AUIS Scholarship Committee will rank all qualifying applicants within each governorate, including applicants from vocational schools. Students from each governorate will be selected with a preference for female students. Upon enrollment, National Scholars will be required to pay a refundable $500 tuition deposit and $300 housing deposit (for dorm students only). *Due to high interest in this scholarship, students are encouraged to submit their applications early.