
The AUIS MBA degree in Leadership program was specifically designed for professionals who are currently leading or plan to lead their organizations as they build new markets, services, products, and innovations. The Leadership curriculum is designed for those who want to lead organizational change amid the challenges of an increasingly changing business landscape.

Participants in the AUIS MBA degree in Leadership program will evaluate themselves as leaders and discuss new models for leadership. Participants will look at research, case studies and real-world situations to learn proven strategies and tactics that can inspire individuals, teams and organizations to reach their full potential.



MGT 510: Leadership:

This course focuses on developing students' knowledge and skill set for teamwork and leadership. The course provides a critical review of key concepts, models, theories, and practitioner approaches relating to leadership in organizations. Illustrations and application of leadership principles will be demonstrated through experiential exercises, and skill development exercises. Translational work between theory and practice is applied as students examine current leadership theories in complex work environments.


MGT 620: Leading Change:

The course will allow students to become familiar with theories and models which focus on effective change, innovation and organizational alignment. Students will cultivate the multiple capabilities required for ongoing, long-run strategic change. Illustrations and applications of organizational change principles will be demonstrated through skill development exercises, experiential exercises and cases analyses.


MGT 630: Leading Effective Teams:

This course provides an experiential approach to application of the skills and attitudes necessary for building and leading effective teams. In today's global marketplace the organizations that thrive are the ones that anticipate change and create new adaptations to their business model. Creativity is the key to finding new opportunities and establishing a competitive advantage through collaborative teams and the use of organizational alliances and strategic partnerships. Topics include: understanding the dimensions along which individuals differ, identifying the key principles that foster high individual performance, learning when to structure work using teams, recognizing common pitfalls associated with working in teams.


MGT 630: Conflict Resolution:

This course is designed to increase students' awareness of issues in negotiation and resolving conflicts, and to develop skills for negotiating more effectively with others. Most sessions include negotiations between pairs or groups of students. Students will come to better understand their own preferred negotiation styles, improve those styles, and strengthen those areas where they are weak. Special emphasis will be placed on conflict assessment, resolution, and conflict management techniques, negotiation theory, tactics, and practice as well as contingency theories of management and leadership.


If you have any questions regarding the MBA program, please email us at [email protected] or call us at +964 (0) 770 461 7555.