AUIS Wins First Place in Zanin Zon Competition: Showcasing Academic Excellence

The American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS), recently secured first place in the Zanin Zon competition, which featured 18 universities and academic institutions from Sulaymaniyah and Halabja.

The AUIS team, composed of five talented students — Mer Kamaran (Business Administration), Sanarya Kamal (English Literature), Sava Dlawar (Civil Engineering), Mohammed Sirwan (Medical Health Sciences), and Diyari Omed (Mechanical Engineering) — excelled through five rigorous stages of the program. 

The program tested the students on various areas of logic, literature, history, geography, sports, and mathematics. The liberal arts-style education of AUIS, along with the diversity of the fields of the competitors, were the main reasons the team was able to ace the competition. 

AUIS was proud to make it to the final stage, in which the team played with Charmo University. Zanin Zon, a collaboration between the Kurdsat Broadcasting Corporation  and Kurdistan Technical Institute, aimed to foster intellectual competition among universities and academic institutions.

The AUIS community eagerly anticipates witnessing the continued brilliance of its students and looks forward to celebrating future achievements.