Dastan Khalid

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department Chair
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Ph.D. University of Sulaimani and Leeds University
    M.Sc. University College London
    B.Sc. King’s College London
  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Office: B-F1-14


Dastan Khalid earned his B.Sc. in Physics from King’s College London and his M.Sc. in Medical Physics from University College London. He obtained his Ph.D. in Atomic Physics as part of a split-site program between the University of Leeds and the University of Sulaimani. While at Leeds, he carried out all of his research with the Experimental Quantum Information Group in the Physics and Astronomy Department. Dastan’s involvement in academic work includes teaching at the undergraduate level at various national and international universities and, he is currently a MInstP with the Institute of Physics (IoP). His research interest is in the fields of atom-light interaction, coherent control, magnetometry, and precision measurement.