Ahmed Salih Mohammed
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Engineering
- Postdoctoral Research University of Houston
Ph.D. University of Houston
M.S. University of Technology - Baghdad
B.S. University of Technology - Baghdad - Email: [email protected]
Dr. Ahmed Salih Mohammed received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering/Geotechnical Engineering at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department from the University of Houston in December 2014 with GPA of 3.75/4. He was also a postdoctoral fellow researcher in Civil Engineering/Geo-Material Engineering at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Houston.
He has researched the areas of petroleum engineering, materials engineering, and geotechnical engineering. His cutting edge research was in the areas of development of hydraulic fracturing and smart cements for oil well application related to preventing disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. He also developed smart drilling muds for application in the petroleum and geotechnical fields. He integrated advances in the areas of nanotechnology, polymer technology, and material technology to modify smart cement, drilling muds, and expansive clays. His research in geotechnical engineering was on controlling the expansion in clay causing major infrastructural damage in many parts of the U.S., including Houston, Dallas, and Denver, using polymers. The polymer treatment method developed by Dr. Mohammed is an outstanding experiment -- a talent that is very difficult find these days (adviser said). His research also focused on experimental studies and mathematical modeling of the performance of the smart cement, smart drilling mud, and polymer treated expansive clay.
Dr. Mohammed has developed several mathematical models to predict the behavior of smart cement, smart drilling mud, and polymer treated expansive clays. He developed models to predict the curing, rheological properties, and piezoresistive behavior of smart cements. He also developed a new model to predict the rheological behavior of drilling muds. He has developed constitutive models to predict the behavior of polymer treated expansive clays. His work has resulted in 45 journal publications and conference proceedings. The refereed journal publications are in Petroleum Science, Engineering, Egyptian Petroleum Journal Geotechnical and Geological Engineering and ASTM Testing and Evaluation. His research was also presented at the Offshore Technology Conferences in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 where there were about 100,000 attendees from around the world. His research was also presented at the American Association of Drilling Engineers, Center for Innovative Grouting Materials and Technology and Texas Hurricane Center of Innovative Technology Conferences. In addition to the above-mentioned research, Dr. Mohammed was one of the Teaching Assistants in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Houston from 2011 to 2015.

- J Build Rehabil (2019) 4: 19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41024-019-0058-4.
- Mohammed, A.S. and Salih (2018). Testing and Modeling the Effect of Confined Water Pressure on the Compression and Flexural Strengths of Pre-saturated Gypsum Rock. Geotechnical Research.
- Mohammed, A. S. (2018). Vipulanandan models to predict the electrical resistivity, rheological properties and compressive stress-strain behavior of oil well cement modified with silica nanoparticles. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum.
- Mohammed, A., & Mahmood, W. Statistical Variations and New Correlation Models to Predict the Mechanical Behavior and Ultimate Shear Strength of Gypsum Rock. Open Engineering, 8(1), 213-226.
- Mohammed, A.S. (2018). Vipulanandan Models to Predict the Mechanical Properties, Fracture Toughness, Pulse Velocity and Ultimate Shear Strength of Shale Rocks. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering.
- Mohammed, A. and Wael M (2018). Vipulanandan failure models to predict the tensile strength, compressive modulus, fracture toughness and ultimate shear strength of calcium rocks.” International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/19386362.2018.1468663
- Vipulanandan, C., and Mohammed, A. (2018). Smart Cement Compressive Piezoresistive, Stress-Strain, and Strength Behavior with Nanosilica Modification.” ASTM, Journal of Testing and Evaluation. (https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20170105.)
- Mohammed, A.S. (2017). “Property Correlations and Statistical Variations in the Geotechnical Properties of (CH) Clay Soils, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s10706-017-0325-6.
- Salih, N. and Mohammed, A.S. (2017). Characterization and modeling of long-term stress-strain behavior of water confined pre-saturated gypsum rock in Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Rock mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
- Mohammed, A.S. (2017). Vipulanandan model for the rheological properties with ultimate shear stress of oil well cement modified with nanoclay. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum.
- Mohammed, A.S. (2017). Electrical resistivity and rheological properties of sensing bentonite drilling muds modified with lightweight polymer. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum. 10.1016/j.ejpe.2017.01.002.
- Vipulanandan, C., and Mohammed, A. (2017). Rheological Properties of Piezoresistive Smart Cement Slurry Modified With Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles for Oil-Well” Applications.” ASTM, Journal of testing and Evaluation. Doi: 10.1520/JTE20150443.
- Mohammed, A.S. (2016). Effect of Temperature on the Rheological Properties with Shear Stress Limit of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Modified Bentonite Drilling Muds. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum.
- Vipulanandan, C., and Mohammed, A. (2016). Rheological properties of piezoresistive smart cement slurry modified with Iron oxide nanoparticles for oil well applications.” ASTM, Journal of testing and Evaluation.
- Vipulanandan, C., and Mohammed, A. (2015). Smart cement modified with iron oxide nanoparticles to enhance the piezoresistive behavior and compressive strength for oil well applications.” Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 24, 1-11.
- Vipulanandan, C., and Mohammed, A. (2015). Smart cement rheological and piezoresistive behavior for oil well applications.” Petroleum Science and Engineering, 135, 50–58.
- Vipulanandan, C., and Mohammed, A. (2015). XRD and TGA, Swelling and Compacted Properties of Polymer Treated Sulfate Contaminated CL Soil.” ASTM, Journal of testing and Evaluation.
- Mohammed, A. and Vipulanandan, C. (2015). “Testing and Modeling the Short - Term Behavior of Lime and Fly Ash Treated Sulfate Contaminated CL Soil, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 32, 71-83.
- Vipulanandan, C. and Mohammed, A. (2015). “Effect of nanoclay on the electrical resistivity and rheological properties of smart and sensing bentonite drilling muds.” Petroleum Science and Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2015.03.020.
- Mohammed, A. and Vipulanandan, C. (2014). “Compressive and tensile behavior of polymer treated sulfate contaminated CL soil, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 32, 71-83.
- Vipulanandan, C. and Mohammed, A. (2014). “Hyperbolic rheological model with shear stress limit for acrylamide polymer modified bentonite drilling muds.” Petroleum Science and Engineering, 122, 38–47.
- Warzer Qadir, Kawan Ghafor, and Ahmed Mohammed (2019). “Modeling the rheological properties with shear stress limit and compressive strength of ordinary Portland cement modified with polymers. J Build Rehabil.
- Warzer Qadir, Kawan Ghafor, and Ahmed Mohammed (2019). Regression analysis and Vipulanandan model to quantify the effect of polymers on the plastic and hardened properties with the tensile bonding strength of the cement mortar. Results in Materials https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinma.2019.100011
- Burhan, L., Ghafor, K. & Mohammed, A. Modeling the effect of silica fume on the compressive, tensile strengths and durability of NSC and HSC in various strength ranges
- Burhan, L., Ghafor, K., & Mohammed, A. (2019). Testing and Modeling the Young Age Compressive Strength for High Workability Concrete Modified With PCE Polymers. Results in Materials, 100004.
- Wael Mahmood, Ahmed Mohammed & Saman HamaHussein (2019):Predicting mechanical properties and ultimate shear strength of gypsum, limestone and sandstone rocks using Vipulanandan models, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, DOI:10.1080/17486025.2019.1632494
- Warzer Qadir, Kawan Ghafor, and Ahmed Mohammed (2019). Characterizing and Modeling the Mechanical Properties of the Cement Mortar Modified with Fly Ash for Various Water-to-Cement Ratios and Curing Times. Advances in Civil Engineering Volume 2019, Article ID 7013908, 11 pages.
- Mahmood, W & Mohammed, A. (2019). New Vipulanandan p-q model for particle size distribution and groutability limits for sandy- soils. ASTM testing and evaluation Journal, https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20180606. ISSN 0090-3973.
- Vipulanandan, C. and Mohammed, A., (2019) “Magnetic Field Strength and Temperature Effects on the Behavior of Oil Well Cement Slurry Modified with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Quantified with Vipulanandan Models,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation.
- Mohammed, A., Salih, A., and Raof, H., (2018) "Vipulanandan Constitutive Models to Predict the Rheological Properties and Stress–Strain Behavior of Cement Grouts Modified with Metakaolin," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, https://doi.org/10.1520/JTE20180271. ISSN 0090-3973.