AUIS Pharmacy Students Visit Pioneer Pharmaceutical Company

On May 20, 2023, the Pharmacy College at American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS) organized an enlightening field trip for undergraduate students to Pioneer Pharmaceutical Company. The purpose of the visit was to expand students' knowledge and provide them with firsthand experience of an industrial pharmaceutical setting.

Students had the opportunity to observe and understand the operations of Pioneer Pharmaceutical Company. The company's designated supervisor shared insights into the internal workings of the organization, offering valuable knowledge about the company's day-to-day activities.

The trip aimed to provide students with practical exposure to the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of real-world scenarios beyond their academic studies. The tour specifically focused on ampule production and quality control units, giving students a comprehensive overview of these essential aspects of pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Overall, the trip to Pioneer Pharmaceutical Company served as a valuable experience in bridging the gap between theory and practice for the aspiring pharmacists of AUIS.