Holly Formolo

APP Instructor
Academic Preparatory Program
  • M.A. The New School University 
    B.A. University of Hawaii
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Office: B-G-03


Holly Formolo joined the AUIS APP program in Fall 2018 to teach academic reading and writing. She teaches both in the APP program as well as in Concurrent. Currently, she is on the Student Services Committee. The Committee organizes various functions for APP students throughout the academic year such as pizza parties and movie nights. She previously taught at Koç University in the English Language Center, University of Bahrain Teachers College as a State Department/Georgetown University English Language Teaching Fellow, Zirve University in Gaziantep, Turkey, and at AMIDEAST in Tunisia. She currently is also a State Department/Georgetown University English Language Teaching Specialist.

Holly holds an M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) from The New School in New York City. Additionally, she is an archaeologist. Her work has taken her across the world to such locations as Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, the US, and Bahrain. Her research interests lie in using archaeology and other cultural aspects of societies as a way of having her students connect to their cultures’ past heritage and linking it to present day identities.