B.S. Mechanical Engineering

AUIS's Mechanical Engineering program offers a solid foundation in mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, and manufacturing processes. From machinery design to energy system optimization, students solve complex problems. With access to cutting-edge facilities, graduates excel in manufacturing, automotive, renewable energy, and robotics industries.

Suggested SemesterCourse Code & TitlePrerequisitesCredits
1stMTH 133 (Pre-calculus)No Prerequisites3

CHEM 232 + CHEML 232

(Chemistry I + Chemistry Lab I)

No Prerequisites4
ENGR 230 (Engineering Drawing)No Prerequisites3
CIV 101 (Civilization 1- Ancient World)No Prerequisites3
ENG 101 (Argument)No Prerequisites3
2ndMTH 232 (Calculus I)MTH 1333
ENGR 231 (Fabrication Shop, Team-based Problem Solving)ENGR 2302
ENGR 354 (Materials Science)CHEM 232+L4
ENGR 244 (Engineering Computing and Numerical Analysis)MTH 1333
ENG 102 (Critical Reading)ENG 1013
3rdENGR 413 (Manufacturing Processes)ENGR 3543
MTH 340 (Linear Algebra)30 Credits and above3
MTH 233 (Calculus II)MTH 2323
PHYS 232+PHYSL232 (Calculus-Based Physics I + Calculus-Based Physics Lab I)MTH 2324
ENG 203 (Research & Project-Writing)ENG 1023
4thPHYS 233+PHYSL233 (Calculus-Based Physics II + Calculus-Based Physics Lab II)PHYS 232+L4
ENGR 344 (Mechanics I, Statics)PHYS 232+L3
MTH 332 (Differential Equations)MTH 2333
MTH 331 (Calculus III)MTH 2333
CIV 203 (Ancient World: Humanities)30 Credits and above3
5thENGR 390 (Circuits)PHYS 233+L4
Engineering Elective60 Credits and above3
ENGR 358 (Mechanics of Materials)ENGR 3443
STT 342 (Engineering Statistics)ENGR 2443
Core Elective: Humanities, Social ScienceSee Course Description3
6thENGR 348 (Mechanics II, Dynamics)ENGR 3443
ENGR 433 (Machine Design)Co-requisite: ENGR 3583
ENGR 313 (Measurements Laboratory)PHYS 233+L3
ENGR 352 (Thermodynamics)PHYS 232+L3
ENGR 356 (Fluids)ENGR 3444
7thENGR 491 (Design I)

ENG 203

90 Credits and above

ENGR 461 (System Dynamics and Control)ENGR 3483
ENGR 432 (Component Design)ENGR 3583
ENGR 453 Applications of ThermodynamicsENGR 3523
ENGR Elective60 Credits and above3
8thENGR 492 (Design II)ENGR 4912
ENGR 444 (Project Management)ENGR 2313
ENGR 452 (Transport Phenomena)MTH 3323
ENGR 480 (Vibration) or Engineering ElectiveENGR 3483
ENGR 483 (Robotics)Co-requisite: ENGR 4613
9thEngineering Elective60 Credits and above3
ENGR 484 Engineering LaboratoryENGR 3133
ENGR 490 (Engineering Internship)Senior Standing, taken in summer or winter3
 TOTAL /131 Credits

Engineering electives are 200+ engineering courses