
Gemma Bowsher


Dr Gemma Bowsher is a social scientist and medical doctor working at the interface of health security and CBRN threats in complex settings, particularly those experiencing conflict. 

Gemma’s work spans academic, operational and policy domains across various dimensions of health security research and practice. She works with governments and international organisations to deliver interdisciplinary programmes in a range of settings such as Ukraine, the MENA region, South America and the Indo-Pacific. Based primarily at the Centre for Conflict and Health Security at King’s College London, she leads empirically-driven research programmes encompassing themes such as emerging biological risks, CBRN arms control and public health in complex environments. She has a particular interest in the nexus of conflict, criminality and displacement in the emergence of novel health security risks. 

Gemma holds a medical degree from King’s College London and a Masters degree in medical anthropology from Harvard University. Her doctoral study at King’s College London has examined biosecurity infrastructure in conflict systems. Gemma holds several fellowships and external appointments, including Fellowship of the Royal Society of Public Health, The Royal Geographical Society, and an appointment as a Senior Research Associate at the Intellectual Forum of Jesus College Cambridge. She has previously been awarded the Metro Supply Chain Fellowship of the Canadian Conference of Defence Associations, the Soulsby Foundation Fellowship for One Health, and the Johns Hopkins Emerging Leaders in Biosecurity Fellowship. Gemma also works as a practising doctor in the National Health Service.