Strengthening Collective Climate and Environment Action in Iraq

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The Strengthening Collective Climate and Environment Action in Iraq project promotes evidence-based approaches to environmental problems through: (a) building the capacity of civil society/students in environmental data collection and evidence-based advocacy, and (b) building the capacity of government actors to conduct evidencebased policy formulation. The core of the work with civil society will be combining innovative open-source research and application of citizen science to strengthen research-based advocacy. In parallel, this will be paired with the training of Iraqi civil servants, policymakers and diplomats on climate and environmental processes and evidenced-based policy formulation. Finally, the project will include building capacity for lobbying and advocacy in environmental debates, facilitating the inclusion of Iraqi voices from both civil society and policymakers in relevant national and multilateral debates that build processes of accountability and take steps towards environmental justice.

Over the course of three years, the program aims to train students from Baghdad, Basra, and Sulaimaniyah on community-led environmental monitoring and citizen science and how to use citizen science tools for water and air quality monitoring to develop evidence-based advocacy campaigns and bottom-up accountability mechanisms.

For more information contact: [email protected]


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