War, Environment & Medicine: Challenges in Environmental & Health Policy

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In recent years, reports have underscored the linkages between pollution, climate change, and adverse health effects for Iraqi citizens. In 2018, hundreds of people died and scores grew sick due to the pollution of Basra’s water supply. Meanwhile antimicrobial resistance is on the rise, especially in places like Mosul due to the war-related destruction of the environment. Such challenges demand an interdisciplinary policy approach. This roundtable discussion focused on the nexus between environmental and health policy in Iraq in the aftermath of three decades of war, government mismanagement, and growing concerns about climate change. The roundtable brought together experts in public health and environmental policy, in addition to journalists and researchers. This roundtable was organized by IRIS as part of the Iraq Climate Dialogue.

- Nada Alwan (Professor of Pathology at Baghdad University, former Health
- Advisor to the Iraqi Presidency)
- Peter Schwartzstein (Environmental Journalist)
- Riyadh K. Lafta (Professor of Epidemiology, Mustansiriyah University)
- Zakariya Al-Bakry (MSF Brussels)

- Glada Lahn (Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House)
- Mac Skelton (Executive Director, IRIS)

Access the audio of the roundtable here.