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[1] Rodgers, Winthrop. (2023). ‘The Road That Embodies the Kurdistan Region’s Dysfunctional Politics’. Newsline, October 10. Available at: https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/the-road-that-embodies-iraqi-kurdistans-dysfunctional-politics/

[2] Under the banner of ‘transportation for a growing economy’, the 8th cabinet of the KRG (2014-2018) committed itself to working to turning all single-carriageways in the Kurdistan Region to dual-carriageways. See: page 4 of the policy priorities of the KRG’s Ministry of Construction and Housing, 2014, at: https://govkrd.b-cdn.net/Ministries/Ministry%20of%20Housing%20and%20Reconstruction/English/About%20Ministry%20of%20Construction%20and%20Housing.pdf

[3] Youtube. (2022). ‘Masrour Barzani’s speech in the ceremony for laying the foundation for the Spilk-Khalifan Dual-Carriageway’. September 15. Available at: https://youtu.be/JCGguLX-CQ0?si=AYdbcpO1Z_Zl6r0T&t=249

[4] KRG Press Release. (2020). ‘Prime Minister Masrour Barzani tours strategic Erbil-Duhok highway project’. August 21. Available at: https://gov.krd/english/government/the-prime-minister/activities/posts/2020/august/prime-minister-masrour-barzani-tours-strategic-erbil-duhok-highway-project/

[5] Mohammed, H., Jaff, D., & Schrock, S. (2019). The challenges impeding traffic safety improvements in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2, 100029.

[6] 964 Media. (2024). ‘Unrest towards tankers grows: road blocked in Koya Sanjaq after fatal accident’. May 8. Available at: https://en.964media.com/19160/

[7] Interview in Koya, July 2024.

[8] The figure is taken from the official website of Erbil Governorate. Available at: https://www.hawlergov.org/app/ku/content/قه%E2%80%8Cزای-كۆیه%E2%80%8C

[9] Interview with an activist from Koya, July 2024.

[10] Interview in Koya, July 2024.

[11] Youtube. (2024). ‘Erbil-Koya road is called highway of death.’ May 4. Available at:  https://youtu.be/DTksuvpArnI?si=SKniBQHXpgPuA2qI&t=32

[12] Phone interviews with 5 truck drivers and traders from Erbil and Sulaimaniya, July 2024.

[13] Shafaq News. (2024). ‘Truck drivers block an al-Sulaymaniyah main road in Protest’. May 15. Available at: https://shafaq.com/en/Kurdistan/Truck-drivers-block-an-al-Sulaymaniyah-main-road-in-Protest

[14] Interview with former KRG minister of the MoCH (2010-2014). Sulaymaniyah, July 2024.

[15] Ibid.

[16] Interviews at the MoCH. Erbil, July 2024.

[17] Source: provided by the mayor’s office in Koya

[18] Ibid.

[19] K24. (2024). ‘9th Cabinet prioritizes road development in Kurdistan Region.’ May 24. Available at:   https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/35071-9th-Cabinet-prioritizes-road-development-in-Kurdistan-Region

[20] Interview in Koya, July 2024.

[22] Ibid.

[23]International Crisis Group. (2022). After The Kurdistan Region's Thwarted Independence Bid. International Crisis Group. Available at: https://www.crisisgroup.org/sites/default/files/199-after-iraqi-kurdistan.pdf

[24] Interview in Koya, July 2024.

[25] Sbeiy. (2018). ‘Agreement over distribution of revenues and positions is underway’. July 9. Available at: https://www.sbeiy.com/Details.aspx?jimare=7708

[26]  A KDP leader stated that the financial arrangement was agreed between the two parties at the highest level as part of the government formation political deal in 2019. Interview in Sulaymaniyah, July 2024. 

[27] Interview at the MoCH. Erbil, July 2024.

[28] Ibid.

[29] Interview at MoCH. Erbil, July 2024.

[30] Saleem, Zmkan Ali. (2024). ‘Lethal PUK/KDP divisions undermines the Kurdish autonomy in Iraq’. LSE/Middle East Centre Blog, March 29. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/mec/2024/03/29/lethal-puk-kdp-divisions-facilitate-the-demise-of-kurdish-autonomy-in-iraq/

[31] Interview in Erbil, July 2024.

[32] Interview in Sulaymaniyah, July 2024.  

[33] Interview in Koya, July 2024.

[34]Azhari,  Timour. (2024). ‘Kurdish oil smuggling to Iran flourishes’. Reuters, July 11. Available at:  https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/kurdish-oil-smuggling-iran-flourishes-2024-07-11/

[35] NRT. (2024). ‘PUK and KDP smuggle 2,000 tanker trucks of oil on a daily basis.’ June 24. Available at https://www.nrttv.com/detail/38033, Zoom News. (2024). ‘Kurdistan Region’s Oil Tanker Export Divert Revenues From KRG Finance Ministry, Lawmaker Alleges.’ June 22. Available at:  https://zoomnews.info/en/41789/