CGDS Meets with Mediation Expert to Discuss Behavioral Change for Men

On July 4, 2022, CGDS Director Dr. Choman Hardi and CGDS Research Fellow Dr. Twana Hassan met with Mr. Marcus Armstrong, an expert on peace-building, human rights, conflict resolution, and non-violence. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of training CGDS and NGO staff members to train men on alternatives to violence and help them achieve behavioral change in relation to women. The training will include anger management, non-violent responses to conflict, respectful behavior, and understanding male privilege and advantages. This is one of the outputs of CGDS‘s Masculinity project which is part of the Gender, Justice and Security Hub, funded by the UK Research and Innovation. 

Image description: This photo is a still from a Zoom meeting. In the top frame we see a slightly smiling man  with short white hair, wearing glasses. On the wall behind him hang four guitars. In the bottom frame we see two people, also slightly smiling, with an opaque window behind them. The  woman, on the left, has curly dark hair; the man, on the right, has short, dark hair. We see all three people from the top of the shoulders up.