CGDS Research Fellow Discusses Masculinity on KNN Radio

On March 26, 2022,  Dr. Twana A. Hassan, CGDS Research Fellow participated in a program hosted by KNN Radio. The program was dedicated to women rights, violence, and masculinity in Kurdish value system. Dr. Twana briefly talked about CGDS's mission, strategies, and projects. He then explained the importance of examining masculinity as a key to understanding the root causes of violence against women in Kurdistan. He started with a question, namely, Why and how conceptions of masculinity contribute to violence against women in Kurdistan. Later, he outlined some of the findings of the masculinity study conducted by CGDS. Specifically, he stressed on the idea of men’s ownership of women as an integral component of masculinity within Kurdish communities. CGDS's five year research project on Masculinity and Violence is supported by the UK Research and Innovation's Global Challenges Research Fund and is part of the Gender, Justice and Security Hub, in partnership with London School of Economics and Political Science.

Image description: Two people, both looking at the camera, sit in a recording studio on raised metal chairs at a square, glass-topped table, with a coffee cup and large microphone in front of each of them. The woman, with long dark hair, wears a grey blouse and blue jeans. The man, with short dark har, wears a muted purple shirt and blue jeans.