CGDS Director Meets with the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

On April 24, 2022, Dr. Choman Hardi met with the honourable Ms. Kwestan Mohamad, the KRG Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the needs of the directorates and departments associated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and a possible  collaboration between CGDS and the Ministry. The importance of capacity-building and clear guidelines as well as the availability of resources to improve staff performance and accountability was discussed. This meeting is the first step in a two year partnership between CGDS and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The activities will be part of the Gender, Justice and Security Hub, supported by the UK Research and Innovation's Global Challenges Research Fund, in collaboration with London School of Economics and Political Science. 

Image description: Two women, both facing the camera, are seated in large black chairs, flanking three flags on display behind a small brown table on which two additional small flags are displayed. The woman on the left in the photo has dark curly hair and wears a royal blue jacket over a black blouse and trousers. The woman on the right has short dark hair and wears a black jacket over a light purple blouse and black trousers.