Dr. Choman Hardi Receives Peace Ambassador Award

On 19 December 2021, Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, accepted a 2021 Peace Ambassador Award for her work on gender equality. The award was given by the Peace and Freedom Organization, PAX, the Haw Organization for Education, and the Paragon Youth Network. The ceremony was held at Jamal Irfan Library. Other Peace Ambassadors were Dr. Maruf Omer Gul, Dr. Nazakat Hussain, Ms. Vinos Tofiq, Mr. Zmnako Ismael Khalid, and Mr. Mariwan Qaradaghi. Many congratulations, Dr. Choman!

Image description: There are two photos. Both are set in a library: there are many rows of white bookcases, the book covers facing out. In one photo, a woman with dark curly hair holds an award and faces the camera, smiling. In the other photo, seven men stand in the back row; three women are seated in the front row; several hold awards.