EU Delegation Visits CGDS

On October 26, 2021, a delegation from the  European Union visited AUIS to learn about the results of the project “Enhancing Education, Developing Community, and Promoting Visibility to Effect Gender Equity in Iraq and the Greater MENA Region,” completed by the Center for Gender and Development Studies. President Bruce Ferguson welcomed Ms. Barbara Egger, the EU Head of Cooperation, Ms. Ghada Hameed,  Project Manager of Education, and Ms. Iba Abdo, Project Manager for Migration and Anti-corruption. Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, Dr. Lynn Rose, CGDS Director of Research and Disability Studies, and Mr. Miran Fattah, CGDS Program Manager, provided a summary of the project’s components, all of which had a 100% completion rate. The project can be seen here: We at CGDS thank the European Union for this opportunity to help the area move closer to gender equity.

Image description: The logo for the European Union is a circle of twelve gold, five-point stars on the background of a dark blue oblong.