Dr. Choman Hardi Participates in the GCHR Alternative Human Rights Expo

On 14 October, 2021, Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, participated in the Alternative Human Rights Expo, organized by the Gulf Centre for Human Rights and more than 25 partners, and held online. The event featured the work of several international artists, filmmakers, musicians, and poets, who are also human rights activists. Dr. Choman read two poems, “My Father’s Books” and “His Boots.” A recording of the event is available at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOZnJx7eJws

Image description: On the left is a circle in the style of a mandala formed of many pairs of handcuffs ranging from dark brown on the outer circle to light brown in the inner circle. On the right, we see three lines of text in brown font. The first two lines read, in upper case, Alternative Human Rights Expo. The bottom line is in Kurdish script.