Dr. Lynn Rose Presents a Paper at SfAA

Dr. Lynn Rose, CGDS Deputy Director,  presented her paper, “Disability in Kurdistan-Iraq by the Numbers,” at the Society for Applied Anthropology meeting on Saturday, March 27, 2021. She also chaired the session “Disability and Development,” which was part of the strand for the Society for Disability Studies. The conference, held in Norfolk, Virginia, from March 18-28, was held virtually, via Whova. An intersectional and interdisciplinary organization, CGDS is an institutional member of both the Society for Applied Anthropology and the Society for Disability Studies.


Photo description: This is a logo, with a large letter S on the left. The S is filled with words in blue, black, and green; the most prominent words, in lower-case green, spell applied social science. To the right are two lines of text divided by a thin black line. The top text, in blue, all-caps, spells Society for Applied Anthropology. The line beneath, in green text, spells A Worldwide Organization for the Applied Social Sciences.