Dr. Lynn Rose, Deputy Director of CGDS, presented “People with Disabilities in Kurdistan-Iraq By The Numbers” at the World Disability and Rehabilitation Conference on Thursday, November 5, 2020. Dr. Lynn presented a collage of statistics intermingled with voices of people with disabilities from the region. The conference was hosted by the World Disability and Rehabilitation Professionals Association in conjunction with TIIKM, The International Institute of Knowledge Management, a Sri Lankan organization. This event, the fifth annual conference of the WDRPA, was held via ZOOM. The sixth, in 2021, is planned as a face-to-face event in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Photo description: There are two images. One is a logo: uppercase letters in blue spell out WDRPA. Embedded in each letter is a white silhouette of a human figure with a disability. From left to right, we see a person with a prosthetic lower arm; a person with one leg, using a crutch; a person with two below-knee prosthetic legs; a person using a white cane; and a person using a wheelchair. Beneath these uppercase letters are smaller, upper-and lowercase letters, also in blue, spelling World Disability and Rehabilitation Professional Association.
The other photo is a screen shot from a web page. Five lines of text are above: WDRC, all-caps, is in blue; 5th WORLD DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION CONFERENCE, in black all-caps, form the next two lines, and “Advocating for the Diverse Group People with Disabilities across the Globe,” in white text against a blue background, is the fourth line. The fifth line, in black text, says 05th to 06th November 2020 on the left, and disability conference.org on the right. Under the text are three rows of seven head shots, showing twelve men, eight women, and one blank image.