Ms. Savan Abdulrahman Ahmed, the editor-in-chief at DidiMn, a Kurdish cultural website, joined CGDS in October 2020 to work on our project, on the roots of masculinity, as a Research Assistant. This project, funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund, is in partnership with the London School of Economics. Ms. Savan earned an accounting degree from the administration and economics department at the University of Sulaimani. As a literary translator at Kashkul Center, Ms. Savan worked on translating fifteen major Kurdish classical poets of the 19th century into English and has worked in consultation with the director of Zheen Archive in Sulaimani to select and translate Piramerd’s prose and poetry into English. She is also the founder of Tema Group, which is dedicated to education and research, where she supervised research on abortion as a moral act and women’s freedom to make choices. Her translations have appeared in M—Dash, Mask Magazine, and The Militant. DidiMn published Translation: An Act More Than Changing Words, for which she was a co-translator, and May68 Youth Group published her translation of the book Universities in a Neoliberal World. We are very happy to have Ms. Savan as part of our CGDS Team.
A smiling woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair, parted slightly to the right, stands in a hallway and faces the camera. We see her from the waist up. She wears a short-sleeved, scoop-neck dark blue shirt with a thin gold chain and a red, yellow, and black scarf around her throat, knotted at the right of her neck.