CGDS Visits the Garmian Directorate for Combating Violence Against Women

On the 18th of December, 2018, Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, and Mr. Arez Taha, CGDS Project Coordinator, met with Firyad Sabir, Major at the Garmian Directorate for Combating Violence Against Women, Lamiaa Muhammed Qadr, Director of the Garmian Directorate for Combating Violence Against Women, Lewar Ibrahim, Head of the Center for Family Consultancy, from the Directorate of Combating Violence Against Women in Kalar. Dr. Hardi briefed  the Directorate about the EU Project and its activities. The Directorate discussed how they are interested in setting up a Gender Center at Garmian University.  They further discussed how they’d like to coordinate with CGDS on workshops to put gender equality into perspective for their community.