Dr. Choman Hardi Presents Masculinity Research

On Saturday, March 27, 2021, Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, presented some of the findings from the Masculinity, Violence, and Prevention research to a gathering in Chawder. The seminar launched Dabran Platform and Enlightenment Feminism's fifth series of Dialogue of Diversity. The talk was titled “Definitions and Problems of the Concept of Masculinity in Kurdish Culture and Tradition.” Dr. Basma Habib chaired the seminar. CGDS has been partnering with the London School of Economics to carry out a study of the mechanisms that construct a violent kind of masculinity in the Kurdistan region, with the hope of reforming it. This project is part of the Gender, Justice and Security hub funded by the UK Research and Innovation's Global Challenges Research Fund.

Image description: There are two photos. In one, we see three seated people, a man on the left and two women. The woman in the middle is speaking, her right hand raised in gesticulation. In the other photo, about 50 people are seated on chairs, sofas, and the floor in a circle three to four deep, with two speakers in a single row in the left-hand range of the photo and one man from the audience sitting next to them. The audience’s attention is entirely on the speakers. About a quarter of the audience wears masks. We also see two cameras on tripods.