CGDS Visiting Scholar Dastan Jasim Completes her First Field-Trip

CGDS visiting scholar Dastan Jasim’s fieldwork trip in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq ends this month and she will return to Germany where she is a Doctoral Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies in Hamburg. In her fieldwork, she started a randomized household survey and completed it in Hewler, Sulaimaniya, and Halabja Governorates, interviewing 150 residents about their beliefs. The survey is part of a greater dataset on political cultural attitudes of Kurds in the four parts of Kurdistan that Dastan Jasim expands in her Ph.D. This data is available for Turkey’s and Iran’s Kurds but is only partly available in Iraq and not available in Syria. The goal of the overall Ph.D. project is to measure similarities and differences in the political and civic culture of Kurds in these four constituencies.

Image description: The photo shows two seated women in profile, both looking intently in front of them. Both women are seen from the waist up. The blurred background suggests a conference room. The woman in the foreground, with long dark hair and sunglasses pushed onto her head, wears a white shirt, her arms crossed. The woman next to her, slightly blurred, wears a long-sleeved peach-colored shirt with burgundy hijab.