CGDS Research Fellow Gives a Seminar on Masculinity

On March 24, 2022, Dr. Twana A. Hassan, Research Fellow at CGDS presented a paper in a seminar organized by DABIN Organization. The presentation was a summary of the study conducted by CGDS about about masculinity and violence against women in Kurdistan. The participants were mostly activists, human rights defenders, and representatives from different NGOs. Dr. Twana outlined what CGDS has done within the project, mentioned the methodology of the research such as interviews, focus group discussions, and other activities conducted as part of the project. He also dedicated a significant part of the seminar to explaining the concept of masculinities in Kurdistan, the socio-cultural construction of masculinity, and how Kurdish masculinity has been constructed in the Kurdish value system. It ended with an engaging session of Q&A and discussions about various conceptions of masculinities and gender justice. Masculinity, Violence, and Prevention is CGDS's five year research project in partnership with London School of Economics and Political Science. It is part of the Gender, Justice and Security Hub funded by the UK Research and Innovation's Global Challenges Research Fund.

Image description: One photo shows four images; a fifth image, blurred, shows the text “plus seven,” it, but it is not clickable. All four images show people in a meeting room, seated at a table with a pale yellow tablecloth, on which there are papers, markers, notebooks, water, and phones. Among the four images, we see six people—two men and four women (two women wearing hijab), engaged in conversation.