On March the 6th, 2020, Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, took part in “I Am The Revolution,” a screening and panel at the graduate center of the City University of New York. The theme of the event was feminist struggles in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Rojava. Hosted by the Emergency Committee for Rojava, the event was divided into three separate segments. The first was an interview of Benedetta Argentieri about her documentary “I Am The Revolution.” Second, the documentary was showcased. The third part was a speech by Dr. Hardi discussing the struggles Kurdish women have faced in the past and are currently facing. Following her speech was a panel discussion in which organizer Özlem Göner and Dr. Hardi participated.
The documentary by Benedetta Argentier, “I Am The Revolution,” was about three women from the Middle East fighting for freedom and gender equality. It featured Selay Ghaffar, Rojda Felat, and Yanar Mohammad, women from Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, who are agents of the cause.
In her speech, Dr. Choman Hardi talked about the history of women’s rights and how they have progressed in Kurdistan. She mentioned several advancements such as the quota system, amendments in legislation, and further developments in data collection regarding women in the region. With respect to the latter, the shortcomings and benefits of the advancements were also discussed.