CGDS Meets with the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs

On May 24, 2022, CGDS Director Dr. Choman Hardi and CGDS Research Fellow Dr. Twana Hassan met with Dr. Salah S. Ali, the advisor to the Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a work-plan for a collaboration between CGDS and the Ministry to raise awareness, build capacity, and develop policy regarding gender justice. This is the first step for a two year strategic partnership between CGDS and the Ministry. CGDS will work with the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs as well as the Imams to address gender issues in Kurdistan. The activities will be part of the Gender, Justice and Security Hub, supported by the UK Research and Innovation. 

Image description: Three people, all looking at the camera, sit at a long table of light wood in an office with opaque glass walls. On the left of the table is a man with short dark hair, wearing a jacket over a blue and white striped shirt; his hands are folded in front of him on the table. On the other side of the table are two people. A man with short dark hair, wearing a dark blue shirt, is in the foreground, A notebook, phone, and pen is in front of him on the table. Behind him is a woman with dark curly hair, wearing a green, patterned blouse. Her hands are folded in front of the open laptop on the table. The photographer’s reflection can be seen in the glass wall.