CGDS Meets with the Dialogue Institute

CGDS Deputy Director Dr. Lynn Rose and Administrative Assistant Ms. Sewe Anwar met with representatives of the Dialogue Institute on Thursday, July 30th, 2020, via Zoom. Ms. Andi Laudisio, Administrative and Development Coordinator, explained the institute’s mission and goals, which focus on facilitating dialogue between groups who have opposing views. Mr. Shwan Hussein, AUIS alumnus and former participant of one of the institute’s U.S. Government-funded programs, joined the conversation. We discussed how we could serve each other’s interests by joining forces, and explored possible topics involving gender equity. The Dialogue Institute, established in 1964, is housed at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is an ecumenical group based in scholarship and community service.

Photo description: The left field says “Dialogue” in narrow black font, with “Institute” beneath it in wider, blue font. The center field is a stylized globe consisting of blue, yellow, green, and red intertwining arrows. The right field says “Journal of” in wide blue font, and “Ecumenical Studies” in narrow black font. The script throughout is all-caps.