On December 9, 2021, CGDS was recognized by the Handicapped Union of Kurdistan at an event held at the Highcrest Hall in Sulaimani. Dr. Lynn Rose, Director of Disability Studies at CGDS, accepted the award; Ms. Kali Yaseen, CGDS Research Assistant, was also in attendance. Among other speakers was Her Excellency Kwestan Mohamad Abdulla, the Minster of Labor and Social Affairs. CGDS takes an intersectional approach to social justice, and considers disability justice alongside gender justice.
Image description: There are two images. One is a photo of three people, a woman and two men, standing and facing the camera. The other is of a certificate, of several lines in Kurdish, with two red circular logos on each side at the top, and a photo on the bottom right of eleven people—nine men and two women—of whom three are using wheelchairs and two are using crutches.