CGDS Holds a Focus Group Discussion with NGOs

As part of our role as implementing partner with UNPA in a project to improve gender equity, CGDS held three focus group discussions during the Sixteen Days of Activism to discuss legal gaps and barriers to implementation of reformed laws. In the first focus group discussion we focused on reporting the views of a vulnerable population, i.e., people with disabilities, to representatives of the ministries. The second discussion involved legal experts focusing on legal gaps in the civil status law, penal code, and combating violence within the family as well as issues related to interpretation and implementation. The third focus group, held on December 9 2020, consisted of 12 guests, representing the People’s Development Organization, Asuda, Wchan, Khushkan, Civil Development Organization, and SEED, and some independent activists. Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director, served as moderator. CGDS assistants Ms. Shanya Mohammed, Ms. Savan Abdalrahman, and Mr. Hamno Nawzad were also in attendance.

Photo description: Two rows of smiling people are standing against a background of blue with white writing; brown, empty book cases are on the right. In the back row, standing on a low blue stage, are four people: two men on each side with two women in the center. In the bottom row, seven women stand side to side. Everyone is wearing coats or jackets, and several wear scarves in addition. Two of the women have head coverings, and one wears a mask.