CGDS Conducts Training Session for a Study on Women’s Participation in Government Institutions

On November 24 and 25, 2020, the CGDS Team conducted a workshop in Erbil for data collectors who will carry out a study on women’s participation in several government institutions in the Kurdistan Region. A total of 25 people participated in exercises, discussions, and informative summaries. Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Director; Dr. Lynn Rose, CGDS Deputy Director; and Ms. Shanya Mohammed, CGDS Administrative Assistant, all took part in faciltitating the training. Representatives from UNFPA, UN Women, and the High Council for Women’s Affairs were also present. The overall aim of CGDS’s role as an implementing partner with UNFPA is to improve gender equity through scientific study.

Photo description: Thirteen women and one man sit in a conference room, their backs to us, facing a woman giving a presentation. The woman, who has shoulder-length, dark, curly hair, wears a dark blue dress and holds a microphone, standing in profile in front of a large white screen which is titled, in black letters, Qualitative Methods. Two flags flank the screen. The people in the audience wear, clockwise from the right, black; green; leopard print; yellow; black and gold; orange; and lavender. We see others closer to the front of the room,  wearing  black, white, and peach. Two women in the front of the room are in camo. Four women are in hijab. The carpet is a red pattern; the walls are off-white.