On April 3, 2022, Manara Magazine published Part Two of the three-part series, “‘With Education You Can Face Every Struggle’: Gendered Higher Education in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan.” The second part of the series, titled “Beyond Knowledge,” was co-authored by Dr. Lynn Rose, CGDS Director of Disability Studies, and Dr. Choman Hardi, CGDS Founder and Director. The opening quotation, “I think life without education is like a room without a light because for me all the joy, fullness, all the things I have, are from education,” sets the tone for the piece, which explores the benefits of education, especially higher education. As the quotation suggests, education brings light to the lives of women who would otherwise live in darkness. Manara Magazine is published by the Cambridge MANAF (Middle East and North Africa Forum.) The article can be found here:
Image description: The top range of the photo consists of three lines of text. Manara is in upper-case black font except for the final A, which is in red. Below, the word magazine in in black lower-case font, and below and to the right the magazine’s title in in Arabic. On the lower left are three lines in black font reading Published by the Cambridge Middle East and North Africa Forum (MENAF) in Cambridge, England.