CGDS attends UNFPA Commemorative Conference

Twenty five years ago, UNFPA hosted the first International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, focusing on population development, women’s health, and women’s rights. To commemorate that event, celebrate progress, and encourage governments to recommit to the agenda, UNFPA hosted the 25th Anniversary Conference, ¨25 Years of the ICPD,¨on 28 July, 2019, at the Iraqi Statistical Association in Baghdad. Dr. Choman Hardi, Director of CGDS, spoke on transformations affecting women’s lives in Kurdistan. Beginning with an overview of the role of women’s NGOs, Dr. Hardi focused on legal issues such as ¨honor¨ killing,¨ polygamy, forced marriage, divorce, FGM, intrafamily violence, contraception, and abortion, the latter applicable especially to Yazidi women. The conference also featured remarks by Dr. Qusay Al’Suhail, the Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Affairs, and other activities including a short film on youth in Iraq.