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KURDS Activity Report July 2016

Description: The report states that since 1991 KURDS has implemented successfully more than 400 projects in the fields of construction of schools, health centers, water projects, irrigation channels and WatSan of schools, most IDPs and Refugees camps infrastructure, shelters and other basic public services in partnership with UNHCR. At the beginning of the report and after the overview of KURDS NGO, there is a description of a project that is undertaken in Khanik IDPs camp to improve the internal roads and access to public services.

Harikar Biweekly Report (16-28 February 2017)

Description: This bi-weekly report has been prepared by Harikar NGO, a neutral, non-governmental, non-profit humanitarian organization established in 30th May 2004 by a group of social activists. The report highlights the services conducted by Harikar teams to develop the civil society through promotion the infrastructure of the basic services (Protection, Health, and Education) of children, women and Refugees/ IDPs. The implemented projects are funded by UNHCR, CARE, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, ASB, GIZ and Heartland Alliance International.

KURDS NGO Project Archive

Description: Kurdistan Reconstruction and Development Society “KURDS”, a humanitarian, non-governmental, non- political, non-Profiting and an independent community based and public utility Organization, aims to operate and work for the public interest. In their official website, they have established three subpages, each subpage includes a table that lists various projects which have been done in the three provinces of Kurdistan Region.

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