Individual Income in Kurdistan Region and Iraq
Description: The Center for Economic and Social Research at the Ministry of Planning has published a scientific report about individual income in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.
Description: The Center for Economic and Social Research at the Ministry of Planning has published a scientific report about individual income in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.
Description: The report is prepared by the Ministry of Education and shared by the Ministry of Planning of KRG.
Description: Tourism committee in Kurdistan released data of 2012, 2013, and their plans for 2014. The report was prepared by the Tourism Committee in Kurdistan and published by EKurd Daily.
Description: The report provides an analysis of three key health policy areas: financing, primary care, and patient safety and quality.
Description: It is a monthly report of 61 pages presented by the Ministry of Natural Resources of KRG covering the export of barrels of crude oil by Kurdistan Regional Government through the Kurdistan pipeline network to the port of Cey
Description: A web page report published by Kurdistan Regional Government covering aspects of tourism including information about tourist places in the big Cities, distance between Cities of Kurdistan, countryside lo
Description: It is a brief summary of housing projects that have been implemented in Kurdistan Region by Kurdistan Board of Investment of KRG including project name, location and capital ($).
Description: Kurdistan Regional Government Investment Board has published a report that contains a list of all the licensed projects in the three provinces of Kurdistan Region: Suliamani, Erbil, and Duhok. The information is presented in the form of tables and graphs. As a summary, the report shows a table that includes project number, investor name, project sector, project license number, governorate, project licensing authority, license date, project capital by dollar, projects area in donum and investment type.
Description: This report is published by the Ministry of Planning/ Kurdistan Regional Statistics Office, covering social and economic aspects of Kurdistan. The report presents a snapshot of the economic situation and the socio-economic well-being of people in the Kurdistan Region, and also compares the current indicators with past indicators to examine changes.